Carpet Washing

Most people use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of dirt or any other forms of debris, but did you know that vacuums don’t suck all the dirt in carpet and may even do more damage by spreading it? Carpet washing or shampooing eliminates the most bacteria, sanitizes and removes carpet stains. 

Carpet Washing

Carpet washing consists of a vacuum like tool that uses hot water mixed with cleaning solution to penetrate the carpet and then suction the solution along with the dirt or any present filth. There are many different types of cleaning solutions and carpet cleaners, but all have the same purpose of deep cleaning carpet and leaving it looking bright and clean. 


Carpets are known for collecting bacteria and other forms of dirt. Vacuum cleaners do the best they can at picking up the dirt that causes the bacteria but depending on the vacuum, it may not perform effectively. Carpet washing allows the cleaning solution to soak in the carpet fibers and remove the dust and grime that is hidden. Not only will it eliminate bacteria but it can refresh the carpet and make it smell better and look brand new. 

Stains and Sanitization

Stains can easily be visible on carpets and with time can become more permanent. Carpet cleaning can get deep within the carpet padding and get rid of stubborn stains for good. It also provides a sanitization process that comes from the cleaning solution used along with the suction tool provided. 

Carpet cleaning is important when it comes to perfectly cleaning a space or home. A professional cleaning service, like Green Leaf can use their expertise in making sure a carpet is bacteria-free and in good condition. Feel free to contact us for a consultation or to review our services. We look forward to hearing from you!