Cleaning to Avoid Illnesses

One of the beneficial aspects of cleaning it is to disinfect and kill any bacteria present. Especially during a pandemic, cleaning has become more of a standard than ever before in order to maintain good health. Here are some house cleaning secrets to avoid illnesses: 

Light Switches and Doorknobs

Light switches and doorknobs often go unnoticed when it comes to cleaning. However, these are the most touched items and the easiest way to contract illnesses. To disinfect and clean these items, simply use a cleaning wipe or spray to kill any bacteria. Make this a routine chore to ensure the healthiest environment. 

Handbags and Backpacks

When taking items to different locations, it can be a germ maginet. Most people don’t even think about cleaning these items but they can lead to bringing bacteria into your home. You can quickly clean these items by spraying a disinfectant and designating a spot for them in your home. You do not want these items to be placed on countertops or tables as this will further spread germs. 


Have you ever heard that your cellphone has more germs than a toilet seat? That is true for almost all everyday electronic devices including phones, keyboards, tablets and TV remotes. You can easily contact germs or bacteria from these devices in a matter of seconds. These items should be cleaned regularly with a disinfectant wipe or a cleaning solution. 

When these items go uncleaned, they pose a risk of infecting you and family with germs and many illnesses. Make these simple tasks a part of your cleaning routine to minimize these risks. 

If you are in need of disinfecting your home,Green Leaf Maid Services help! We are skilled in deep cleaning and understand the importance of a clean home. Feel free to contact us for pricing and services!