Keeping Your Home Clean with Pets

Everyone can agree that pets make a house a home. With that comes the issue with pet fur and dirt that can get overwhelming at times. Here are some tips to keep a clean and healthy home for family and pets.


It might be obvious, but vacuuming picks up unwanted fur and dirt off of floors. The more vacuuming, the less visible dirt. As much as you can brush or wash your pets, carpet is like a hair magnet and it’s inevitable that hair will still get on floors. Depending on how many pets you have or if any allergies are presented, we recommend vacuuming all floor surfaces once a week. 


To cut down on the fur inside your home, go right to the source. Regular dog and cat grooming decrease shedding significantly. Even if you cannot go to a groomer, brushing and deshedding can be done at home. It is better to do it outside to avoid extra fur inside. Bathing will also help with the fur issue and helps minimize unwanted smells. A quick and easy way to make sure your pet is clean before entering the house is to wipe down any muddy paws and check your pet for any visible dirt. Find a routine that fits into you and your pets lifestyle. 

Damage Control

Fur is not the only way a pet can cause mess in the household. Some pets can be destructive and ruin items or even have accidents. All of this can be avoided by proper training and outside time. In most cases young animals can cause damage to furniture, personal belongings and floors. A tip to stop this behavior is to have proper outside play time for the animal.This includes daily walks and runs. Let them get out some energy. 

Hire the Professionals

If the workload is too much, or you don’t know where to start, we can help! With our maid services we can clean up all unwanted pet fur and dirt so you don’t have to. Feel free to check out our services or contact us for any further information.