How to Avoid a Messy Office


An office can easily become messy and unorganized, especially when cleaning precautions are not in place. Having a messy office can make doing your job harder and can lead to a decrease in productivity. Here are some tips on how to avoid messy office: 

Avoid Eating in Your Office

One reason why offices can become messy quickly is because of food trash. This includes wrappers, cans and even drink bottles. Most of the time, after you consume a food item, you leave the wrapper on the desk while you work and after a while, this can build up. If you do decide to eat in the office, place a trash can near to avoid this buildup. 

Create an Organization System

Offices can often be seen as cluttered, due to paper buildup. A way to avoid this is to create an organization system. Use folders, buckets or even certain areas to separate certain paper items to ensure it won’t get cluttered or unorganized. 

Clean Everything

Even if an office looks clean, it can still be messy on the surface. Create a cleaning routine where you wipe down everything including monitors, keyboard, headphones and any other surrounding areas. 

Use Hooks or Shelves

If you have unnecessary items taking up space, you can incorporate hooks or shelves to store items on. This will get things off the floor or desk to ultimately organize your items. 


Sometimes offices become messy due to the way the furniture is. You might find that rearranging your items in the office can make it less messy and more open. 


If you have an office that needs cleaning, Green Leaf Maid Services help! We offer many different cleaning services specifically for you and your needs. Feel free to contact us for a consultation or to review our services. We look forward to hearing from you!